
Showing posts from September, 2017

Week 4

Today we presented the Full-Scale Track presentation. Some suggestions made by Ron Swenson for our track structure was to integrate infrastructure such as water pipes, power cables, and other cables alongside the vertical supports of the track. We will also need to add trussing or diagonal bracing along these vertical supports to provide more strength and rigidity to the system. The final thing discussed dealt with plasma cutting our materials in order to prevent compromising the material properties and structural integrity of our materials, which can occur during welding and heating. With all these tasks on hand, the simpler solution is also the better solution. All these problems will need to be addressed, but we will also need to take into account of making this system easy to assemble, disassemble, and maintain.

Week 2 & 3

This week we presented our team's objectives and specifications to other groups. Our goal is to create the full scale track switch and rails, along with column footings.

Week 1

Dr. Furman discussed with us the aspects we needed to incorporate into the design of the full-scale track. The columns we will be using for the structure of this track will be using the steel beams provided to us from Africa. One of our main concerns is to fabricate a clamp system that will be able to connect at least three of these beams together without the use of drilling or welding. The main concern for this project is to create the railway system and this steel column section that will be able to support the weight of at least 2000 lbs. While this track system would need to support the static 2000 lbs load, it will also have to account for vibrations and other weather and various conditions. Of course all this would have to be cost effective as well as visually appealing.