
Showing posts from February, 2018

Spring 2018 - Week 4

The past week we reviewed our designs, while also simplified our Scope of Work that will be sent to Futran for funding. This will need to be accompanied by fully manufacturable drawings for each part that will be used in our track. In addition to our Statement of Work, this week was the beginning of our first presentation. For this presentation we discussed our current design progress, fabrication plans, as well as a budgeting timeline that we will need for manufacturing.

Spring 2018 - Week 3

This week we have finalized the scope of work to present to our client. If approved, we will have the go ahead to mobilize on the build. Our main requirements are solid engineering drawings that demonstrate the interface of all the track components. After approval, we will start purchasing the materials that we need.

Spring 2018 - Week 2

This week we had our Lightning talk of the semester. We went over project requirements, bill of materials, progress, and main things we will need to do in order to receive project funding from Futran. Our project has been distributed into 3 main sections which will help with project funding allocation.